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Precision Turned Components

In the industrial sector, precision turned components are essential components utilized in a variety of applications. These parts are often constructed from premium materials and have exact tolerances and requirements. They are precise and reliable. Modern machining processes are used to create these precision turned components, guaranteeing that every component is identical to the previous one. This degree of accuracy is crucial in fields like aircraft, automotive, and medicine where even the smallest departure from the design parameters can have serious consequences.

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Precision Turned Machined Components

It is widely used in Automobile Industries & machinery parts

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Stainless Steel Bushings

  • Color:Silver
  • Product Type:Bushings
  • Material:Stainless steel
  • Delivery Time:1 Week
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Hex Spacer

Price: 2.00 - 20.00 INR/Piece

It is Hugely used in Automobiles, Machinery and Electric Industries.

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Hex Nipple

Price: 5.00 - 50.00 INR/Piece

It is widely used in Automobile industries and Hydraulic Fittings.


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